100 articles from Carbon Brief between September 2012 and January 2013
January 2013
- Why the Met Offices revised forecast still doesnt show global warming has stopped
- £110 billion, the energy bill and the Mail on the Sunday
- How business savvy is DECC’s new permanent secretary?
- The Independent says were headed for catastrophic” sea level rise: Heres what you should know about melting ice sheets
- Methane emissions undermine switch from coal to gas
- Why the UK’s unique weather makes understanding rain patterns harder
- El Niño is stronger this century, but the shift cant be linked to climate change just yet
December 2012
- Renewable energy grows but UK still mostly dependent on fossil fuels
- The IEA’s coal projections on demand and emissions
- Energy and Climate Change Committee expresses concern about suggestions of inaccuracies in energy bill reporting
- Reviewing factchecks of the Mail group
- Review of carbon budgets nothing new, Ed Davey tells committee
- What does the next IPCC report say about climate change?
- IPCC draft report published online – suggests that the sun is not behind climate change
- Gas power could push up energy bills, says Committee on Climate Change as government gives go-ahead to fracking
- Resources, energy prices and emissions: the three big questions about UK shale gas
- The best bits from the Global Energy Assessment
- Doha infographic gets the numbers wrong, underestimates human emissions
- Running Doha wrap up – the key stories from the climate talks
- Climate science at AGU: Our pick of the week
- Three big questions about the governments gas strategy
- Gas strategy: government could loosen carbon budgets to allow dash for gas
- Daily Telegraph on climate aid: New headline, same old figures
- Deal, deadlock or derailment? Three things that could happen at Doha
- The climate policy gamble
- How much shale gas has the UK got?
- How much do melting ice sheets contribute to sea level rise?
- Can we still limit warming to two degrees?
November 2012
- How much does bad press affect policy and public attitudes to renewables?
- How much does DECC think the energy bill is going to cost consumers?
- Leveson on science – all the extracts we could find
- A quick audit of ‘due weight’ in the BBC’s coverage of climate science
- Q&A: What is permafrost?
- Future climate projections: Five graphs from three reports
- Five things to know about flooding and climate change
- Will the Energy Bill really add £178 to fuel bills? Dissecting energy bill numbers
- How is science underpinning the climate talks in Doha?
- Ed Davey talks about Energy Bill on the Today Programme: Transcript
- Green bill rises: what the papers say
- What is a 4°C world?
- Carbon Briefing: What will the UK energy bill contain?
- The Sunday Times rebuts itself over global cooling claims
- Carbon Briefing: Russian energy giant Gazprom seeks to re-establish itself with new gas pipeline
- Room for disagreement over energy policy on Newsnight
- Carbon Briefing: What could energy price fixing mean for consumers and markets?
- Drought area changed little over recent decades
- Summers feel hotter on a warming planet
- Does the government still support the Climate Change Act?
- Seven essential graphs from the IEAs World Energy Outlook
- Renewables growth in Europe: good news for wholesale electricity prices?
- Keeping the Lights On: a look at UKIPs energy policy evidence base
- Carbon Brief weekly update 8 November 2012
- How much will wind cost Scottish consumers?
- US election coverage: will Obama put climate change back on the agenda?
- Hurricane Sandy coverage: Do Fraser Nelsons arguments for dropping carbon cutting policies stack up?
- Melting Arctic ice triggered the Big Freeze
- How well have the media covered hurricane Sandy? Scientists have their say.
- PwC report: current government ambitions won’t stop temperature rise
- Checking five facts from the Mail on wind power
- Wind power on the Daily Politics with Caroline Lucas, James Delingpole and Ken Livingstone – Transcripted
October 2012
- Untangling John Hayes on wind power
- Is there enough wind to power wind turbines in Shropshire?
- The Gulf Stream is defrosting undersea methane: What does it mean for climate change?
- Meet Peter Lilley, the newest member of the Commons Energy and Climate Change Committee
- Confusion from the Telegraph about renewables displacing carbon dioxide north of the border
- Wind turbine syndrome: whos doing the research?
- The Mail on Sunday, David Rose and climate misinterpretation: Round two
- What will it take for the Sunday Times to report its climate and energy polling?
- Nigel Farages ugly disgusting windmills dont cost as much as he thinks they do
- This weeks top six rebuttals to David Roses warming has stopped claim
- Linking hurricanes and climate change – it’s easier said than done
- Hidden calculations and a ‘nonsense scenario’: Countering the GWPF wind report
- ITVs weird exchange of skeptic views – on the Alan Titchmarsh show
- Carbon Brief weekly update 18 October 2012
- CBI leader calls for delivery on climate targets
- Scientists raise further concerns over rogue geoengineer in open letter
- Dont mention the c word: It’s the UN biodiversity conference
- Why the Mail’s claim that ‘There is more ice at the South Pole than ever’ only tells half the story
- The Mail on Sunday gives David Rose space to repeat old (and wrong) claims that global warming has stopped.
- Confusion from the Times over climate targets
- British gas (and now npower) raise energy bills – Liveblog
- Does carbon dioxide really attack ice cracks?
- Can the public make sense of uncertainty in weather and climate prediction?
- Limitless gas at the Conservative conference – the Carbon Brief weekly update
- How much would an expansion of nuclear power cost us?
- Could better monitoring of cities’ emissions encourage the US to join climate treaties?
- Rolling blackouts warning from the Mail, but based on what evidence?
- Methane emissions in the pre-industrial era
- Government modelling on gas and carbon targets still missing
- Uncertainty in weather and climate prediction: A Royal Society meeting discusses what it means and what to do about it
- What’s the future for corals under climate change projections?
- Carbon Brief weekly update 4 October 2012
- Can we estimate the tipping point into irreversible climate change? We assess the One Hundred Months campaign
- Carbon Brief’s pick of the Climate and Energy events at the Conservative conference
- Counting the cost of Antarctic research: the British Antarctic Survey merger
- Polar bear scientist Dr Charles Monnett cleared of scientific misconduct
September 2012
- A pinch of salt for new carbon storage modelling
- Carbon Brief’s pick of the Climate and Energy events at the Labour conference
- Christopher Booker flunks general studies
- Arguing over when the Arctic ocean will be ice-free might be missing the point