About Fast CB

Hi, I'm Tom, I built this website over the weekend of September 10th & 11th 2023.

All the content is from Carbon Brief but reframed as a deliberately bare bones experience, focusing on legibility, speed, and accessibility.

I'm on the permanent staff at Carbon Brief (making maps and charts and things like that) but I made this site in my spare time in order to provide a better experience for people on crappy internet connections.


⭕️ Low page weight. You should be able to get all you favourite Carbon Brief content even with patchy or a slow connection.

⭕️ Good Lighthouse scores a screengrab of googles lighthouse scores showing 100/100 in performance, accesibility, best practices and SEO.

⭕️ Tiny carbon footprint. According to websitecarbon.com

This web page is cleaner than 99 % of web pages tested
Only 0.01 g of CO2 is produced every time someone visits this web page.
This web page emits the amount of carbon that 1 tree absorbs in a year.

🌳 I have planted a tree.

❌ No images. Because many of the images in Carbon Brief's articles are subject to copyright I decided it was easier to exclude them. Hopefully they all have reasonable alt text though which the site will publish in their stead.

⭕️ No tracking.

⭕️ Progessively enhanced. If you don't have Javascript the site will work just fine. If you do have Javascript then it'll work a bit better.

Todo list