100 articles from Carbon Brief between March 2012 and July 2012
July 2012
- Onshore wind subsidies spared with 10% cut, as DECC also announces gas power has a ‘key role’ beyond 2030
- The Carbon Briefing: Do the UKs green taxes make its industry uncompetitive?
- Energy cold war goes hot
- At a glance: Key criticisms of UK draft energy bill in Select Committee report
- Energy efficiency: policies need reform, but the UK still outperforms other countries
- Daily Mail attributes the entire cost of upgrading the UK energy system to wind farm pylons
- ‘You can’t absolutely prove, can you, that CO2 is responsible for global warming?’ The Today programme out of its depth on climate science
- Old study – same error: The Mail is still wrong about Asian glaciers
- Is the washout summer proof of climate change? Could Radio 5 have made a worse programme?
- Why does it always rain on me? The British media talk weather and climate change
- Does more carbon dioxide mean more forests? And is this all good? Not quite.
- Fox News: It’s not OK to link extreme weather to global warming (unless we do it)
- DECC polling shows people still worried about energy bills, support renewable energy
- Everything you wanted to know about CCS (but were afraid to ask)
- Does the BBC really have to keep presenting climate science as ‘believers’ versus ‘skeptics’?
- Wiltshires wind regulation: blowing evidence-based policymaking out of the window
- Unseasonal summer doesn’t make climate models wrong
June 2012
- We need proper research into the climate impacts of shale gas, says Royal Society, as the Committee on Climate Change warns over emissions from gas
- The Register reports climate poll inaccurately
- The Guardian jumps the gun on record June sea ice melt
- Scientists respond to the Register on Antarctic ice shelf melt: This is the equivalent of turning the statement the cancer is not as bad as we thought into you don’t have cancer.
- Enthusiastic climate science communicator? Come and work with us
- Cutting methane emissions could give us an extra decade to deal with climate change
- Why are new estimates of emissions from tropical deforestation lower?
- Has the law caught up with science in North Carolina?
- Polling indicates belief in climate change has risen – so why does the Sunday Times describe it as ‘cooling off’?
- Confidential House of Commons research on renewables and fuel poverty makes it into the Sunday Telegraph
- More work needed to find and develop new energy technologies
- Stick to the data on shale gas, say experts, as climate change takes a back seat
- Nine climate change pictures I really don’t need to see again
- Dont like sea level rise projections? Make them illegal
- How much does onshore wind power cost?
- AR5s coming get busy: why scientists must get better at communicating uncertainty
- The Future of Climate Projections
- The anatomy of a WSJ article on “Europe’s Green Energy Suicide”
- Algae under Arctic sea ice – certainly not going to solve our CO2 problem
- Can climate change cause earthquakes? We look at the science and the spin
- If George Osborne reduces subsidies for onshore wind, what will it mean for 2020 renewable energy targets?
- A couple of changes to our comment policy
- Three-quarters of Arctic sea ice lost in 30 years? We check.
- When it comes to Geoengineering, are you a Promethean?
May 2012
- Inaccuracy through two degrees of separation – Mail mangles science literacy findings by misreporting Fox
- How confident should we be..? A psychologist answers our question about his research
- Ed Davey’s defence of UK gas policy doesn’t give the full picture
- Another warming myth busted? Only in a Mail Online headline
- Fugitive emissions from shale gas: our Q&A
- Geeks form cliques too – why better scientific understanding doesn’t guarantee concern about climate change
- A high estimate for shale gas wont solve our climate change woes
- Energy policy or the dark art of global cooling?
- £100 or £1000? The Times and the Telegraph interpret Energy Bill figures in very different ways
- Poking a complex system – Will the end of La Niña mean record temperature rise?
- Anti-wind lobby group criticises DECC’s projections on energy bills – is it right?
- Reaction to the draft energy bill – and the questions it raises
- Zombie statistics: £200 figure that won’t die lurches onto Today Programme
- Christopher Booker on climate science: comment and conjecture, but where are the facts?
- The Telegraph fumbles cost of carbon price floor to consumers
- Overstating climate findings – its just not helpful
- Americans get the most information about climate models from Rush Limbaugh
- Hail to the geeks!
- Report suggests need for certainty on business carbon reduction legislation
- Myths versus facts: the real deal on the Green Deal
- Ofgem figures show energy bills continue to rise rapidly
- Is climate change all just a recovery from the Little Ice Age?
- Video: How do climate models work
- Summer’s been a washout so far. Does that tell us anything about climate change?
- Booker short of the mark on greenhouse gas claims
- Telegraph muddle the numbers on electricity bills
- Mail Online absolutely wrong to infer global cooling from new research – but that doesn’t stop it warning of new Ice Age
- Reporting of Lord Smith’s views on shale gas misses the important caveats
- Latest Arctic sea ice science
- Glaciologists ride to the rescue: Greenland mistake corrected in peer-reviewed paper
- Shale gas needs CCS and emissions guarantee, says Environment Agency boss
- Global confidence in CCS wanes
- Study into Greenlands speeding glaciers prompts yet more confusion
- Potential crunch coming for UK gas supplies – Ofgem CEO
- Wind turbine bites dog: Wind farms and global warming
- Creating a credible alternative: communicating climate change on the Right
April 2012
- Wind farms can affect local temperature – how the papers reported it
- Open access publishing and how science gets into the media
- David Camerons energy remarks leave media to create their own narrative
- By the Mail’s reasoning, temperatures have “barely risen” – by 9 degrees
- Climate change: Lovelock changes his mind but the planet’s still warming
- Republican meteorologist on why climate change has nothing to do with Al Gore
- 1,000 trillion cubic feet of offshore shale gas? Dont believe the figures, says geologist
- Puzzled by ‘global weirding’? Watch these videos
- Extreme weather leads to extremely different headlines
- How to write a Daily Mail article about climate change
- Top Tories buy into Mails mischaracterisation of the Green Deal
- Delving into the great green myth
- Ten thousand, ten percent or a green deal? More mangled numbers on the Mails conservatory tax
- Scientist Responds To Misleading Polar Bear Coverage
- Cosmic dust and Chinese whispers
- What does the Climate Change Committee advice on aviation and shipping mean in practice?
- A disservice to the scientific method: climate scientists take on Richard Lindzen
- Lessons in Newspeak: How to make a sociologist sound Orwellian
- Publish and be wrong: Daily Mail prints article even after scientist says it “misrepresents” his work
- Notes from a Small Island State: AOSIS negotiators on making the case for emissions reductions
March 2012
- UK emissions are down seven per cent – but DECC is missing something big
- Why would the “Godfather of Tory donations” fund the Global Warming Policy Foundation?
- Imports of gas to the UK outpaced domestic production in 2011, for the first time