100 articles from Carbon Brief between January 2013 and March 2013
March 2013
- The best energy and climate change poll ever
- Climate policy or economic recovery? Polling shows people want both, and favour investment in green industries
- Polling: UK public blames energy companies for higher bills; is split over paying more for climate change and energy security
- Green policies will put bills up £280, but bring them down by £450, says DECC
- Does the Sunday Telegraphs alternative energy policy add up?
- Asia going low carbon faster than Europe, report says
- World’s oceans are getting warmer, faster
- Is the UKs limited gas storage capacity a problem?
- Five reasons why the speed of Arctic sea ice loss matters
- Energy return on investment – which fuels win?
- Scientists set straight the latest Mail on Sunday climate contortion
- Climate change experts support shale gas – but only with caveats
- Regulating for US climate action: The bets are on
- What makes clean coal ‘clean’: A rhetorical look
- What do climate policies mean for social justice?
- New government research adds to biomass emissions controversy
- Ask the scientists: Are rainforests resilient to climate change?
- Coal’s 42 billion health toll
- What hockey stick graphs tell us about recent climate change
- “We’ve managed these things in the past, and managed them quite well” – an interview with Richard Smith of National Grid
- Arctic summers could be nearly ice free by 2050
- Is it bourgeois to worry about biofuels?
- Saving the EU emissions trading scheme may mean abandoning key principles
- How on earth is the government going to finance new nuclear?
- Insulating the UK from volatile gas prices
- Wet and dry: Is the UKs weather going to get more extreme with climate change?
- Why windfarms get paid to switch off
- Shell shows interesting new ways to miss emissions reductions targets
February 2013
- UK energy statistics show big jump in coal-fired electricity last year
- Centrica has reported a profit – Its infographic time
- Slowing winds and the complications of building large windfarms
- UK oil and gas investment is rising: What does that say about the governments commitment to decarbonisation?
- Site windfarms carefully, for peat’s sake
- Coral bleaching could be the norm by the 2050s
- Why we risk overinterpreting China’s carbon tax statements
- New research projects widespread permafrost thaw with 1.5 degrees of warming
- European carbon price is still in trouble
- New nuclear – it’s about time (and money)
- More dependent on gas… if we mess up climate targets
- How the global market is pushing up UK gas prices
- EU emissions trading scheme saved – for now
- Can we really have carbon negative power?
- Will less ice be good or bad for Arctic ecosystems? Scientists discuss.
- Introducing parliament’s new fracking group
- What you need to know about PwCs shale oil findings
- New satellite data confirms major Arctic ice loss
- The Telegraph’s confusing laundry
- Climate rhetoric – From apocalypse to action in Obamas State of the Union
- Gas strategy fails to bring clarity to the UK’s energy future
- Cost, not capacity, is the crucial statistic for renewable energy
- Does the financial sector believe in unburnable carbon?
- Crepe! Will climate change ruin pancake day?
- Warming continent: What the BBC could have said about climate change in Africa
- Greenhouse gas emissions from soils increased by earthworms: opening a can of worms
- Why the Times doesn’t believe the UK has fifteen centuries of shale gas
- Will Australian renewables really replace coal?
- Bunk off work, save the planet
- A tail of climate sensitivity
- Carbon Brief weekly update 7 February 2013
- The US won’t hit its climate targets without Congress
- Rainforests may be more resilient to climate change
- How much will offshore wind cost in the future?
- Is individual action on emissions really futile under the EU ETS?
- The three trends cutting US emissions
- Is there a European coal revival?
- Global worming: are earthworms contributing to climate change?
- Carbon Briefing: Is there any hope for EU carbon trading?
- What’s going on with attempts to cut emissions north of the border?
January 2013
- Why it is too soon to call John Kerry the saviour of US climate policy
- Carbon Brief review: Chasing Ice
- BP’s vision of the future, in graphs
- Norway climate sensitivity research not yet peer-reviewed
- Carbon Brief’s essential Green Deal news roundup
- World getting warmer and wetter, new dataset shows
- That picture of One Direction wont save your climate comms – and other lessons
- The UK’s EU climate policy car crash
- Carbon Brief weekly update 24/01/2013
- Can the Green Deal make energy efficiency the next big thing in home improvement?
- Greenland ice sheet probably more stable than we thought
- Whats the future of climate coverage?
- Does DECC predict a post-2020 renewable slowdown?
- Glacier update: Andean glaciers melting faster due to climate change
- How much would an energy revolution save consumers?
- The BEST study is finally peer reviewed (and basically confirms what scientists already knew)
- Climate scientists on mayor Boris Johnson’s climate whiff-whaff
- Latest update on the world’s glaciers: Still shrinking
- 2030 target: investor certainty or certain failure?
- Carbon Brief weekly update 17 January 2013
- What does 2012 being the 9th hottest year on record tell us about climate change?
- Soot fingered as climate threat
- Five problems with the Express’s latest foray into climate science
- The Observer is wrong: “climate change denial” is not becoming “entrenched”
- Investment drops after challenging year for low carbon technology
- Will offshore wind cost consumers £17 billion?
- All the reasons why global warming hasn’t stopped
- New polling: Europeans show support for climate and energy targets
- That Met Office media controversy in context
- Carbon Brief weekly update 10 January 2013
- Heatwaves, droughts and wildfires in Australia: What’s the link to climate change?
- Video: Slower temperature rise does not mean global warming has stopped