100 articles from Carbon Brief between September 2011 and January 2012
January 2012
- Watch 131 years of global temperatures in 26 seconds
- Met Office criticises ‘misleading’ Mail article predicting ‘mini ice age’
- NASA scientists: Expect record-breaking warm years soon
- Climate change – not just about blueberries
- The Express: Climate change is just a 1,500 year cycle
- Shale gas for breakfast
- Shale gas: can it be a bridge to renewables or will it extend reliance on fossil fuels?
- Q: Compared to man-made climate change, how much will the Sun influence the climate? A: Not much.
- How BP’s Energy Outlook 2030 tells the story behind the end of Keystone XL
- Planet hacking: not just a technological challenge
- How the BBC’s More or Less confused the realities of climate change
- Is Policy Exchange playing to the tabloid agenda on renewables?
- Zombie stats: When inaccurate numbers refuse to die
- New molecule from plants wont ‘solve’ global warming
- Natural ecosystems could be playing a significant role in off-setting warming – new research
- Whats going on with our winter weather?
- The Daily Mail inadvertently promotes green energy, sort of
- ‘Lethal ice age’ prevented by climate change?
- Looking to the future: 2012 in climate news
- Met Office: 2011 was UKs second warmest year
- Christopher Booker and the mystery of the DECC calculator
- Spin, clarity and the DECC energy calculator
December 2011
- Climate fact check: Polar sea ice is in decline. So why are people claiming that it’s increasing?
- Daily Mail prints third correction to its energy bills coverage
- Wrong by a factor of eight: the FT on green energy costs report
- Drop the Methane Bomb
- Electricity prices to rise 25% because of green measures say CCC – impact on bills less clear cut
- Climate skeptics react to Durban
- Frozen Planet: the climate science top six
- Britain, a nation of climate sceptics? Really?
- Climate change causes children to shrink
- Climate skeptics advise: Don’t mess with Attenborough
- News from the COP: Monckton parachutes in
- US Republican candidate sparks hunt for Scottish climate skeptic university
- Frozen Planet episode to show in USA after all
- At least three-quarters of global temperature rise since the 1950s caused by humans
- “Record setting changes” throughout the Arctic
- Rising incredulity at the Spectators use of dubious sea level claims
November 2011
- Were knives out for Frozen Planet six months ago?
- Lawsons sensationalism claim on thin ice
- Rolling news: The Daily Mail’s Friday afternoon Climategate reversionising
- New paper looks to the past to estimate the future
- Want to understand energy bills?
- UK press has cool reaction to second batch of UEA emails
- New scientific study – Arctic sea ice decline ‘unprecedented’
- So, how have the UK media reported the second batch of Climategate emails?
- More on the UEA ‘Climategate’ emails – recommended reading
- Another batch of UEA’s ‘climategate’ emails released
- Skeptic lobbyists GWPF cherrypick IPCC report to make it sound benign
- Scientist says Earth’s in ‘new phase’ of polar melting
- When Americans understand how much scientists agree on climate change they want to do something about it
- Did the BBC ‘drop’ Frozen Planet episode because it featured climate change?
- Another correction from the Mail group on energy bills
- Reuters report finds cultural divide in coverage of skeptics
- Panorama on energy bills: a look at the sources
- Have KPMG slammed renewables? Er, they’re not sure?
- Muller: I draw a distinction between skeptics and deniers
- Manns Virginia victory: a win for freedom in science or a blow to openness?
- Will Christopher Booker declare Arctic sea ice recovering again?
- Cardinal Pell lecture peddles misrepresentations of climate science
October 2011
- Mail struggling to find room for doubt on warming data
- Monte Carlo versus blocking formations: why attributing heatwaves to climate change is still a gamble
- Will green measures increase fuel poverty?
- IEA: fossil fuel subsidies must be cut
- Skeptics say “global warming is happening”
- Climate change to force people into high-risk areas
- US Senator excoriates US climate change political deadlock
- Global Temperature Records – Old and New
- BEST reconfirm: warming is happening
- Now for the science bit…
- Daily Mail’s questionable coverage of climate change science
- Lord Lawson: not entitled to his own facts
- Gas prices are to blame for rising energy bills says Ofgem, not green policies
- Arctic sea ice minimum in 2007 “not a one off”
- Fact checking, environmental journalism and summing up on ‘mini’ ice ages
- Mail story on energy price rises ignores the role of spiralling wholesale fuel costs
- Atlantic Bridge and the climate skeptic connection
- The science take: Solar activity and ice ages
- Ice age! How the Daily Express use inverted commas to mangle science
- IPCC models underestimate future sea ice loss – New scientific paper
- NSIDC: Arctic sea ice extent neared record lows during summer 2011
- Global Warming Policy Foundation promotes shale gas on the BBC
- George Osborne jumps on the ‘green bills’ bandwagon
- Carbon Brief The Press Complaints Commission and the Daily Mail
September 2011
- Is there a PR campaign against climate science in the UK?
- Climate Reality check – a glance at the science behind Al Gore’s project
- Christopher Booker uses Times Atlas story for his own purposes
- Harper Collins to “urgently review” maps following more criticism from scientists
- Times Atlas admit a mistake on Greenland press release claim, maintain maps are accurate
- Daily Mail confused over whether ‘green tax’ cost is £85 or £300 as Mail on Sunday uses GWPF £200 figure despite PCC ruling
- Scientists call Times World Atlas Greenland claims ‘incorrect and misleading’
- The new normal
- Arctic sea ice low what does it really mean?
- Disentangling media coverage about Arctic sea ice
- Energy bills, skeptic papers, Arctic sea ice
- Cosmic rays and internet memes
- Poll: the Tea Party and climate change
- Clouds and climate skeptics – new paper critiques ‘flawed’ sceptic study
- Daily Mail prints correction over GWPF green tax claims
- Telegraph £300 energy bill headline makes the usual mistakes