100 articles from Carbon Brief between February 2011 and September 2011
September 2011
- Telegraph £300 energy bill headline makes the usual mistakes
- Hurricane Irene, the Arctic and more on green energy headlines – the last week
- Cool summer
August 2011
- Story of a meme: Chinese and European emissions
- More on ‘Let them eat carbon’
- Maunder minimum, solar activity and the Little Ice Age: new research
- Those Daily Mail figures keep coming whos counting?
- Summer (and winter) reading – ten books about climate change
- What the TaxPayers Alliance and Daily Mail dont tell about their green tax con
- Everything you ever wanted to know about Arctic sea ice (but weren’t enough of a geek to ask)
- Best climate resources on the web
- Essential climate video on US heatwave
- Does climate change cause a drought? Does it cause a famine?
- Factcheck – Ann Widdecombe on climate in the Daily Express
- Polar bear scientist transcript reveals bizarre nature of investigation
- The polar bear transcript: the edited highlights
- Government denies press claims on £200 green tax cost
July 2011
- New satellite data finds the Greenland ice sheet lost mass in the noughties
- New polling examines climate scepticism in detail
- The Mail gives 5 times more space to the Global Warming Policy Foundation than to any other source on climate
- Does Lord Lawson’s think tank ‘cast doubt’ on the science of climate change?
- Hello world!
- BBC Trust on climate: Let’s debate climate policy but reflect the “agreed scientific factbase”
- A thousand pounds on energy bills due to green policies?
- Report into BBC’s science coverage likely to suggest corporation needs to avoid false balance on climate
- Where are the Daily Mail getting their numbers from?
- Chris Huhne on climate and security
- What we know and what we don’t know
- New study suggests oceans are losing the ability to absorb carbon dioxide
- Daily Mail drops GWPF green tax claim
- Factcheck: Christopher Booker and the missing ice age
- Monckton cut off in Oz radio row
- Sulphur cools the planet, Monckton on tour and climate drought questions
- Sulfur emissions may have slowed temperature rise
- OECD to business: Scientific uncertainty is not a reason to ignore climate change
- Mails U-turn coverage of link between extreme weather and climate change
- Scientists go to extremes to understand climate change
June 2011
- Can we have early warning of climate tipping points?
- IPCC SRREN report reveals legitimate issues with the organisation’s communications
- Sunspots, ice ages, and the biggest experiment ever
- Mail fuels fears over energy bills but wheres the research to back them up?
- Is 1.5 degrees a scientifically realistic target?
- Global warming since 1995 statistically significant
- Food, hunger and climate change
- Impacts of a melting cryosphere ice loss around the world
- Daily Mail reprints Lord Turnbull’s scientific errors
- Latest emission figures show world on track for 4 degrees
- Summer comes, weather warms Arctic melts away?
May 2011
- Skeptic shift by Republican hopefuls
- Abraham strikes again
- Climate science communicated; job done? Maybe not.
- David Rose’s climate science – half truths and bias
- Can we trust climate models?
- Lord Turnbull’s GWPF briefing paper ‘The really inconvenient truth’ suffers from basic factual innaccuracies
- A hot April or a cold winter dont tell us much about climate change
- Missing migrants?
- Is the CRU the ‘principal source’ of climate change projections?
- Political tension in the Arctic ratchets up as sea ice melts
- Climate feedbacks explained with added vocoder in science rap video
- Has global warming stopped?
- New book aims to reclaim scientific skepticism
- The science is solid, it is time to move on – the UK government view on climategate
- Lord Monckton in Oz. Again.
- Cutting greenhouse gas emissions is urgent says new Arctic report
- Andy Russell on the Merchants of Doubt
- The Daily Mail’s different views of sea level rise
April 2011
- A ex-climate sceptic and the next 100,000 years of life on earth
- Energy and Environment journal of choice for climate skeptics Analysing the 900+ skeptic papers part III
- Are the British really bored of climate change?
- “I was defeated by facts” How a sceptic changed his mind about climate change
- Three reasons to care about the Arctic
- Using our paper to support skepticism of anthropogenic global warming is misleading. Part II of our analysis of the 900+ climate skeptic papers
- Climate Sock on climate communication
- Analysing the 900 papers supporting climate scepticism: 9 out of top 10 authors linked to ExxonMobil
- Press complaints ruling on UEA, Delingpole and climate didn’t stick to the science
- 7 reasons communicating climate science is tough
- Christopher Booker argues that climate change has reversed itself. We check.
- Matt Ridley’s climate science based on weak foundations
- This weeks climate science
- Sceptics make BEST U-turn as study indicates warming
March 2011
- New Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature project graphs emerge as Richard Muller prepares to give evidence
- The Spectator debate: A victory for reason?
- Government scientist’s warning on Lord Lawson’s climate claims
- Letters from UK Governments Chief Scientific Advisor reveal critical view of Lord Lawson’s climate arguments
- Weekly Science 23rd March
- Johnny Ball in talks with GWPF over teaching of climate change in schools
- Conservative Lord John Gummer on climate change: ‘In the end, we all have to face the facts.’
- NOAA data for February shows cold European winter, warming world
- Climate change in Uganda: The biggest unreported story of our times
- Flood, drought, fire = extreme weather = climate change?
- The 2011 4C awards
- Plants and climate change: Positive or negative?
- US Navy Chief Oceanographer: I Was Formerly a Climate Sceptic
- Did Christopher Booker read the study he was attacking?
- New low for winter Arctic sea ice cover – tied with 2005
- Head of parliamentary science and technology committee: are there bigger players involved in the Global Warming Policy Foundation?
- A scientific briefer on… coral reefs
- The BEST idea reconsidered
February 2011
- Freeman Dyson’s views on climate in the Independent
- Science is sound despite Climategate claims, finds US probe