Recent Carbon Brief articles by Verity Payne
- Arguing over when the Arctic ocean will be ice-free might be missing the point
- Thinning ice probably explains record low Arctic sea ice coverage
- Do we know when the Arctic will be sea ice-free?
- Clouding the issue: skeptics mistake clouds paper for proof of fringe climate theory
- Will the UK have the climate of Madeira by 2060, as Costing the Earth suggests?
- New study linking hot summers to climate change: scientists react
- New study says the Greenland ice sheet is becoming more sensitive to atmospheric warming
- Carbon uptake has doubled over last 50 years – but where is it going?
- BEST: The science behind Richard Muller’s ‘conversion’
- Greenland 97 per cent surface melting – what does it mean?
- Old study – same error: The Mail is still wrong about Asian glaciers
- Does the BBC really have to keep presenting climate science as ‘believers’ versus ‘skeptics’?
- Unseasonal summer doesn’t make climate models wrong
- The Guardian jumps the gun on record June sea ice melt
- Algae under Arctic sea ice – certainly not going to solve our CO2 problem
- Three-quarters of Arctic sea ice lost in 30 years? We check.
- Another warming myth busted? Only in a Mail Online headline
- Poking a complex system – Will the end of La Niña mean record temperature rise?
- Christopher Booker on climate science: comment and conjecture, but where are the facts?
- Overstating climate findings – its just not helpful
- Is climate change all just a recovery from the Little Ice Age?
- Video: How do climate models work
- Summer’s been a washout so far. Does that tell us anything about climate change?
- Booker short of the mark on greenhouse gas claims
- Mail Online absolutely wrong to infer global cooling from new research – but that doesn’t stop it warning of new Ice Age
- Glaciologists ride to the rescue: Greenland mistake corrected in peer-reviewed paper
- Study into Greenlands speeding glaciers prompts yet more confusion
- Climate change: Lovelock changes his mind but the planet’s still warming
- Puzzled by ‘global weirding’? Watch these videos
- Extreme weather leads to extremely different headlines
- Cosmic dust and Chinese whispers
- A disservice to the scientific method: climate scientists take on Richard Lindzen
- Scientists identify melting threshold for Greenland ice sheet
- New research: Some corals are adapting to heat stress from unusually warm seas
- Tornadoes and man-made climate change – a perfect storm?
- New scientific study suggests ocean acidification rate unparalleled over last 300m years
- The Arctic’s oldest sea ice is disappearing fastest
- Arctic ice loss could be making Britain’s winters colder and snowier
- Impact on climate from sinking clouds? Too early to say
- The Mail is feeling a little horse
- New Russian heatwave study solves climate conundrum
- Video: Ken Caldeira on limiting global temperature rise
- The climates response to energy changes takes decades
- Warmer seas and coral: a bit good; mostly bad
- Beyond the media angles on the Himalaya paper
- The Sunday Times investigate global temperatures
- NASA scientists: Expect record-breaking warm years soon
- Q: Compared to man-made climate change, how much will the Sun influence the climate? A: Not much.
- New molecule from plants wont ‘solve’ global warming
- Natural ecosystems could be playing a significant role in off-setting warming – new research
- Whats going on with our winter weather?
- ‘Lethal ice age’ prevented by climate change?
- Met Office: 2011 was UKs second warmest year
- Climate fact check: Polar sea ice is in decline. So why are people claiming that it’s increasing?
- Frozen Planet episode to show in USA after all
- At least three-quarters of global temperature rise since the 1950s caused by humans
- Rising incredulity at the Spectators use of dubious sea level claims
- Lawsons sensationalism claim on thin ice
- New paper looks to the past to estimate the future
- New scientific study – Arctic sea ice decline ‘unprecedented’
- Skeptic lobbyists GWPF cherrypick IPCC report to make it sound benign
- Scientist says Earth’s in ‘new phase’ of polar melting
- Did the BBC ‘drop’ Frozen Planet episode because it featured climate change?
- Muller: I draw a distinction between skeptics and deniers
- Will Christopher Booker declare Arctic sea ice recovering again?
- Skeptics say “global warming is happening”
- Global Temperature Records – Old and New
- Daily Mail’s questionable coverage of climate change science
- Arctic sea ice minimum in 2007 “not a one off”
- The science take: Solar activity and ice ages
- IPCC models underestimate future sea ice loss – New scientific paper
- NSIDC: Arctic sea ice extent neared record lows during summer 2011
- Arctic sea ice low what does it really mean?
- Maunder minimum, solar activity and the Little Ice Age: new research
- Factcheck – Ann Widdecombe on climate in the Daily Express
- New satellite data finds the Greenland ice sheet lost mass in the noughties