100 articles from Carbon Brief between June 2015 and September 2015
September 2015
- Paris 2015: Tracking requests for climate finance
- The Carbon Brief Interview: Craig Bennett
- Paris 2015: Tracking country climate pledges
- Carbon capture ‘essential’ for climate-friendly fracking in UK, says industry-backed report
- The Carbon Brief Interview: Dr Hoesung Lee
- Update: What do the Labour leadership candidates think on climate and energy?
- Keep coal, gas and oil in the ground to save Antarctic ice sheet, study warns
- Southern Ocean carbon sink bounces back with renewed vigour, study says
- The rise, fall and future of the cleantech industry
- Bonn climate talks ask for draft Paris text
- Guest post: The state of the Greenland ice sheet in 2015
- New nuclear power in UK would be the world’s most costly, says report
- New map reveals astronomical scale of human impact on forests
August 2015
- Warming tropical oceans could see widespread and intense species loss, study warns
- Scientists pinpoint Arctic warming hotspots behind severe northern hemisphere winters
- New NASA videos show stark ice loss from Earth’s ice sheets
- Celebrating soils: Why are they so important for our climate?
- Russian industry paid to increase emissions under UN carbon credits scheme
- Scientists warn of unprecedented damage to forests across the world
- Study: China’s carbon emissions substantially overestimated
- 10 years on from Hurricane Katrina: What have we learned?
- Islamic climate declaration calls for fossil fuel phase out
- Climate change set to fuel more “monster” El Niños, scientists warn
- Explainer: The rise and possible fall of Australia’s Carmichael coal mine
- Explainer: How and why the UK government hopes to fast-track fracking
- Australia disappoints with weak UN climate pledge
- Mapped: The world’s top countries for nuclear power
- UK butterflies could suffer ‘widespread extinction’ by 2050, study warns
- Rising costs of flood defences could put world’s major deltas at risk
- Mapped: The world’s largest offshore windfarms
- A detailed Q&A on Obama’s Clean Power Plan
- Geoengineering is no substitute for cutting emissions, new studies show
- Emissions cuts using biofuels could worsen water stress in US, study suggests
- Two degree climate target not possible without ‘negative emissions’, scientists warn
July 2015
- New study shrinks the gap between observed and modelled global temperatures
- Drought stunts tree growth for four years, study says
- Five charts show the historic shifts in UK energy last year
- Updated: The climate change papers most featured in the media
- Explainer: New negotiating text provides clarity on UN climate deal
- Hillary Clintons renewable goals could significantly raise US climate ambition
- Global survey: Where in the world is most and least aware of climate change?
- How storm surges and heavy rainfall drive coastal flood risk in the US
- Explainer: Amber Rudd ends Green Deal energy efficiency scheme
- Iconic British birds and wildlife at risk from climate change
- London imports climate change risks, warns capital’s Economy Committee
- DECC: Amber Rudd reduces subsidies for renewable energy
- Recession rather than shale gas caused US carbon cuts – study
- Japan’s 2030 climate pledge leaves room for coal expansion
- UK academics call for strong action on climate change at Paris summit
- Cool Arctic summer brought brief recovery in sea ice loss in 2013, study suggests
- The Carbon Brief Interview: Prof Ottmar Edenhofer
- NOAA State of the Climate report: Which seven records were broken in 2014?
- Climate finance: Funding a low-carbon global economy
- Met Office: Wind data dispels doubt about cause of Heathrow high temperatures
- Climate change is biggest cause of stress on world’s oceans
- Analysis: How much does the UK spend abroad on ‘climate finance’?
- Global risk of wildfires on the rise as the climate warms, study says
- Q&A: Has the UK blown its green power budget?
- The Carbon Brief Interview: Prof Chris Field
- Scientists: 2015 is a critical year for ‘bold action’ on climate change
- A Carbon Brief guide to the Our Common Future conference in Paris – Final day
- How volcanic eruptions changed climate and human history
- Budget 2015: Key climate and energy announcements
- Analysis: The most ‘cited’ climate change papers
- Prof John Mitchell: How a 1967 study greatly influenced climate change science
- The Carbon Brief Interview: Syukuro Manabe
- Reports show how UK and the world can achieve ‘deep decarbonisation’
- Chance of a very cold UK winter falls to less than 1% by 2100, new study suggests
- The most influential climate change papers of all time
- The Carbon Brief Interview: Jennifer Morgan
- German coal compromise leaves doubts over climate goal
- Raise carbon price to address aviation emissions, says Airports Commission
- Climate pledge puts China on course to peak emissions as early as 2027
June 2015
- Explainer: Aviation’s battle to limit rising emissions
- Government can’t take credit for steep 2014 emissions cuts, says Committee on Climate Change
- The Carbon Brief Interview: Janos Pasztor
- Updated: Two plans to begin first fracking operations in UK for four years rejected
- UK meets interim renewable energy target, says DECC report
- Solar minimum could bring cold winters to Europe and US, but would not hold off climate change
- Tackling climate change will reap benefits for human health
- Climate change attribution studies are asking the wrong questions, study says
- The Atlantic ‘conveyor belt’ and climate: 10 years of the RAPID project
- In-depth: the science behind the papal encyclical
- The Carbon Brief Interviews
- Explainer: Will rising temperatures mean more lives are saved than lost?
- Onshore wind subsidies: What we know
- The story of the papal encyclical, as told by the media
- Papal Encyclical: key statements on climate, energy and the environment
- IEA: China has greatest potential to raise climate ambition
- The Carbon Brief Interview: Dr Fatih Birol
- In-depth: Is the 1.5C global warming goal politically possible?
- In depth: Trust high but progress slow at UN climate talks in Bonn
- Oxygen is an overlooked factor in past climate, study suggests
- The Carbon Brief Interview: Christiana Figueres
- Climate change could cut growing days of plants and crops by 11%
- 10 charts showing why carbon emissions stalled last year
- Irreversible loss of world’s ice cover should spur leaders into action, say scientists
- G7 leaders target zero-carbon economy
- Coal in the G7: Who’s burning what?
- No ‘slowdown’ in global surface temperatures after all, study finds