Video: NASA satellites show our ‘breathing’ planet in action

Polly Bennett

Earth’s plant life isn’t static, but ebbs and flows with the seasons. A new animation from NASA, the US space agency, shows a year in the life of plants on land and in the oceans.

Watch the mesmerising colours changing month by month in the video below. On land, the green colour represents plants and forests. In the oceans, it’s tiny floating plants called phytoplankton.

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The seasonal cycle of Earth’s plant life over a 12 month period, using combined data from different satellite instruments over many years. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.

From December through till February, not much sunlight hits the mid and high latitudes in the northern hemisphere and plant growth is sparse. At the same time, it’s the height of summer in the southern hemisphere, and the ocean around Antarctica and the forests of South America, Africa and Indonesia are teeming with life.

As the seasons march onwards and spring arrives in the northern hemisphere, a wave of greenery spreads over the land and oceans, extending right up to the far north. The nutrient-poor tropical oceans either side of the equator remain as relatively lifeless blue expanses all year round, these great gyres growing and shrinking with the seasons.

Satellites measure the amount of chlorophyll in plants, the pigment used to capture sunlight as they photosynthesise and grow. The video above isn’t for any particular year. Instead, it shows the average annual cycle by combining satellite information for several years into one animation.

§ Our ‘breathing’ planet

Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as they grow, releasing some of it again as they die and decompose. Anything that affects the life cycle of plants, such as drought, deforestation and wildfire affects how much the Earth cycles or “breathes” carbon dioxide in and out.

A new satellite launched last year is allowing NASA to keep track of how the amount of carbon dioxide in the air changes throughout the year in different parts of the world.

The video below shows the tracks taken by the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 satellite between May and August this year as it circled the Earth, measuring carbon dioxide as it went.

The orange and red colours reveal areas where it recorded a carbon dioxide concentration above 400 parts per million (ppm), blue is where it dropped to around 390ppm. A press release from NASA explains:

“[Mission scientists] saw the expected decreases in atmospheric carbon dioxide in the Northern Hemisphere’s summer, as plants undergo photosynthesis. They saw upticks in the greenhouse gas over power plants and megacities, and over areas where people clear forests for agricultural use.”
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So far, OCO-2 only has one full year’s worth of data, but soon it will be able to help scientists study how the cycling of carbon between the atmosphere, land and oceans changes from one year to the next as the climate warms. The land and ocean have, so far, absorbed about half the carbon dioxide humans have released through burning fossil fuels. But scientists aren’t sure how long they will continue to do so.

Satellite data from NASA’s Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 instrument, giving the first detailed measurement of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere near Earth’s surface. Credit: .

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