100 articles from Carbon Brief between February 2015 and June 2015
June 2015
- Factcheck: Is climate change ‘helping Africa’?
- Analysis: Climate change ‘Apollo Programme’ raises both hope and questions
- Expert views: Countries meet in Bonn to restart negotiations on UN climate deal
- Climate change risks biggest change to marine species in three million years
May 2015
- Warming oceans could mean typhoons are 14% stronger by 2100, study says
- Climate benefits of a natural gas bridge ‘unlikely to be significant’
- The Carbon Brief Interview: Thomas Stocker
- Cutting soot and methane distracts from 2C goal, says Oxford scientist
- 99% of Mount Everest glaciers could be gone by 2100
- Carbon pricing schemes climb to $50bn, despite Australian backtracking
- Climate change could bring new hay fever misery to the UK
- Analysis: Regional attitudes to climate change across the UK
- Satellites reveal rapid acceleration of Antarctic glacier ice loss
- Limiting global warming to 1.5C is still possible, say scientists
- Scientists warn against premature predictions of a “substantial” El Niño
- Mountain shape a key factor in species surviving climate change
- Mismatched graph creates confusion in Canada’s UN climate pledge
- Opposition to fracking increases again, finds Sunday Times poll
- The Carbon Brief Interview: Tony de Brum
- The Carbon Brief Interview: Prof Dame Julia Slingo OBE
- Countries fail to set shipping climate target
- Analysis: How DECC spends its annual budget
- Antarctic Larsen-C ice shelf at risk of collapse, study warns
- Updated – Election 2015: What will a Conservative majority mean for climate and energy?
- Ice sheet melt is driving acceleration in sea level rise, study suggests
- Investigation: Does the UK’s biomass burning help solve climate change?
- 19 reasons why the world is missing the 2C climate change limit
- Monthly global carbon dioxide tops 400ppm for first time
- EU strikes deal to boost emissions trading scheme
- Flawed assumptions blight Telegraph analysis of UK decarbonisation costs
- Climate change made England’s record hot year in 2014 at least 13-times more likely
April 2015
- Climate change threatens one in six species with extinction, study finds
- UK must reform climate policies to become global leader, say economists
- What the UK public thinks about climate change and energy – in seven charts
- Vatican spells out vision for zero-carbon world
- How successfully can the Arctic Council tackle climate change?
- Prof Richard Muller: Not adjusting global temperature records would be “poor science”
- Hydrofluorocarbon emissions up 54% with air conditioning on the rise
- Human activity responsible for three out of four heat extremes, study finds
- HSBC outlines four ways to divest from fossil fuels
- World’s plants and soils to switch from carbon sink to source by 2100, study shows
- 10 of the best YouTube videos on climate change
- What do volcanic eruptions mean for the climate?
- Climate adaptation could slash cost of flood damages by 96%, study shows
- Scientists set out eight essential elements for UN climate deal
- Election 2015: What the manifestos say on climate and energy
- Tiny marine plants could amplify Arctic warming by 20%, new study finds
- Is BP’s shareholder resolution really an “activist victory”?
- Expert views: What the general election means for UK climate and energy policy
- Darkening ice speeds up Greenland melt, new research suggests
- Explainer: What we know about the Pope’s encyclical
- The Carbon Brief Interview: Jeremy Oppenheim
- Flood damages in Europe to increase 200% by the end of the century, scientists warn
- Britain’s fish ‘n’ chip favourites could dwindle as North Sea warms
- Guest post: What the latest science says about thawing permafrost
- Climate showdown: Has the US, UK or Germany done more to cut emissions?
- Five ways the UK’s electricity grid is changing
- Forest degradation as bad for climate as deforestation, says report
- The Carbon Brief interview: Jean-Pascal van Ypersele
- Western Canada’s glaciers could shrink by as much as 95% by 2100, study finds
- Ambiguous Russian climate pledge mystifies many
- Climate sensitivity is unlikely to be less than 2C, say scientists
March 2015
- US climate pledge promises to push for maximum ambition
- Explainer: What are ‘Intended Nationally Determined Contributions’?
- Natural variability could slow the pace of Arctic summer sea ice loss, study says
- The Carbon Brief Interview: Tim Yeo
- Carbon capture and storage: Can the UK hit climate goals without killing off heavy industry?
- Antarctic ice shelf thinning is accelerating, reveals new study
- Large fall in UK emissions in 2014, official figures confirm
- Are National Trust libraries at risk from climate change?
- Electric vehicle batteries ‘already cheaper than 2020 projections’
- Cost of carbon should be 200% higher today, say economists
- Arctic sea ice hits lowest winter peak on record
- Are the UK’s emissions really falling or has it outsourced them to China?
- Amazon rainforest is taking up a third less carbon than a decade ago
- Why is a disaster risk reduction deal important for climate change?
- Budget 2015: Key climate and energy announcements
- Factcheck: The true cost of UK renewables policy
- Farming Africa’s wet savannahs would have a high climate cost, study warns
- Cyclone Pam: Untangling the complex science on tropical storms and climate change
- La Niña boosts the odds of tornadoes and hailstorms in the US, study shows
- More coal plants are being cancelled than built
- Global emissions trading scheme ‘should be based on UN carbon budget’
- Scientists link Arctic warming to intense summer heatwaves in the northern hemisphere
- Five charts showing the EU’s surprising progress on renewable energy
- How ambitious is the EU’s offer to the Paris climate change talks?
- Earth entering new era of rapid temperature change, study warns
- Atmosphere ‘has finally woken up’ as El Niño gets underway in the Pacific
- Reflections on climate-conflict research: More confusion than knowledge
- The Carbon Brief Interview: Ed Davey
- Analysis: UK carbon emissions fell 9% in 2014
- Leaf-eating insects may limit how much carbon forests absorb, study says
- Scientists discuss the role of climate change in the Syrian civil war
February 2015
- Five decisions the IPCC made today about its future
- UK renewables auction pushes down costs
- Official data confirms Chinese coal use fell in 2014
- New study directly measures greenhouse effect at Earths surface
- How the EU’s evolving Energy Union reveals underlying politics
- MEPs vote for early EU carbon market fix
- Pachauri steps down as head of UN climate Panel