100 articles from Carbon Brief between September 2019 and May 2020
May 2020
- Four more years of Donald Trump could ‘delay global emissions cuts by 10 years’
- IEA: Coronavirus ‘accelerating closure’ of ageing fossil-fuelled power plants
- Webinar: What impact is Covid-19 having on global CO2 emissions?
- Tropical forests can still store ‘high levels’ of carbon under 2C of warming
- Daily global CO2 emissions ‘cut to 2006 levels’ during height of coronavirus crisis
- Fuel savings in US cars have ‘cut 17bn tonnes of CO2 since 1975’
- Major tropical cyclones have become ‘15% more likely’ over past 40 years
- Q&A: Could climate change and biodiversity loss raise the risk of pandemics?
- विश्लेषण : कोरोनावायरस के चलते भारत में CO2 उत्सर्जन की वृद्धि में पिछले चार दशकों में पहली बार आयी कमी
- Guest post: A brief history of climate targets and technological promises
- Analysis: India’s CO2 emissions fall for first time in four decades amid coronavirus
- Analysis: What impact will the coronavirus pandemic have on atmospheric CO2?
- Leading economists: Green coronavirus recovery also better for economy
- Global warming has ‘changed’ spread of tropical cyclones around the world
April 2020
- IEA: Coronavirus impact on CO2 emissions six times larger than 2008 financial crisis
- Analysis: Coronavirus has cut CO2 from Europe’s electricity system by 39%
- Analysis: Great Britain hits coal-free electricity record amid coronavirus lockdown
- Guest post: Why coal phaseout is a ‘no-regret’ plan for tackling climate change
- State of the climate: First quarter of 2020 is second warmest on record
- Vacancy: Digital content executive
- Analysis: How ‘carbon-cycle feedbacks’ could make global warming worse
- Analysis: Coronavirus set to cause largest ever annual fall in CO2 emissions
- Deep emissions cuts this decade could prevent ‘abrupt ecological collapse’
- The Carbon Brief Profile: South Korea
- Met Office: The UK’s wet and warm winter of 2019-20
March 2020
- Guest post: How energy-efficient LED bulbs lit up India in just five years
- Coronavirus: What could lifestyle changes mean for tackling climate change?
- 分析:中国会在十年内新建百余座燃煤电厂吗?
- Fossil fuel use not closely linked to longer life expectancy, study suggests
- Mapped: The world’s coal power plants
- Coal mines emit more methane than oil-and-gas sector, study finds
- Analysis: Will China build hundreds of new coal plants in the 2020s?
- In-depth Q&A: How will tree planting help the UK meet its climate goals?
- Guest post: Climate change could reverse falling inequality between countries
- Restoring soils could remove up to ‘5.5bn tonnes’ of greenhouse gases every year
- Budget 2020: Key climate and energy announcements
- Q&A: Are the 2019-20 locust swarms linked to climate change?
- Analysis: Fuel-duty freeze has increased UK CO2 emissions by up to 5%
- Guest post: The underappreciated influence of the tropics on the ‘jet stream’
- Guest post: Why China’s CO2 emissions grew less than feared in 2019
- Met Office: Why the UK saw record-breaking rainfall in February 2020
- Guest post: World’s intact tropical forests reached ‘peak carbon uptake’ in 1990s
- Climate strikers: Open letter to EU leaders on why their new climate law is ‘surrender’
- Analysis: UK’s CO2 emissions have fallen 29% over the past decade
February 2020
- Factcheck: What is the carbon footprint of streaming video on Netflix?
- 分析:冠状病毒暂时减少了中国四分之一的二氧化碳排放量
- Guest post: Are UK floods becoming worse due to climate change?
- The Carbon Brief Profile: Iran
- Methane emissions from fossil fuels ‘severely underestimated’
- Analysis: Coronavirus temporarily reduced China’s CO2 emissions by a quarter
- Guest post: How close is the West Antarctic ice sheet to a ‘tipping point’?
- Guest post: Could climate change and deforestation spark Amazon ‘dieback’?
- Guest post: The irreversible emissions of a permafrost ‘tipping point’
- Climate change driving surge in ‘day-night hot extremes’ in northern hemisphere
- Guest post: Could the Atlantic Overturning Circulation ‘shut down’?
- Explainer: Nine ‘tipping points’ that could be triggered by climate change
- Climate change driving ‘rapid and widespread’ decline of bumblebees
- Analysis: Why coal use must plummet this decade to keep global warming below 1.5C
January 2020
- Tropical forests losing ability to absorb CO2, study says
- CCC: One fifth of UK farmland must be used to tackle climate change
- Emissions from Chinese aviation ‘could quadruple by 2050’
- State of the climate: How the world warmed in 2019
- Explainer: How ‘Atlantification’ is making the Arctic Ocean saltier and warmer
- Analysis: The climate papers most featured in the media in 2019
- In-depth: Understanding the impacts of changing Arctic storms
- Guest post: A Met Office review of the UK’s weather in 2019
- Media reaction: Australia’s bushfires and climate change
- Analysis: UK low-carbon electricity generation stalls in 2019
December 2019
- COP25: Key outcomes agreed at the UN climate talks in Madrid
- Interactive: When will the Arctic see its first ice-free summer?
- COP25 video: Messages from climate marchers to politicians
- COP25 video: What needs to happen by COP26 to keep the Paris Agreement on track?
- Analysis: Global fossil-fuel emissions up 0.6% in 2019 due to China
- Analysis: Which countries have sent the most delegates to COP25?
- CMIP6: the next generation of climate models explained
November 2019
- In-depth Q&A: How ‘Article 6’ carbon markets could ‘make or break’ the Paris Agreement
- UNEP: 1.5C climate target ‘slipping out of reach’
- Analysis: Global coal power set for record fall in 2019
- Election 2019: What the manifestos say on energy and climate change
- The Carbon Brief Quiz 2019
- Inside MOSAiC: How a year-long Arctic expedition is helping climate science
- ‘Profound shifts’ underway in energy system, says IEA World Energy Outlook
- Guest post: Ten ways to use CO2 and how they compare
- Guest post: Will plants help make the planet wetter or drier in a changing climate?
- Existing Paris climate pledges commit sea level rise to ‘one metre by 2300’
October 2019
- Guest post: Why climate scenarios need to better incorporate ‘adaptive capacity’
- Analysis: India’s CO2 emissions growth poised to slow sharply in 2019
- 客座文章:为何中国二氧化碳排放在2019年上半年增长了4%
- Europe’s carbon-rich peatlands show ‘widespread’ and ‘concerning’ drying trends
- Analysis: Renewables could match coal power within 5 years, IEA reveals
- State of the climate: Low sea ice and near-record warmth define 2019 to date
- Ebola epidemics will ‘increase with greenhouse gas concentrations’, study finds
- Analysis: UK renewables generate more electricity than fossil fuels for first time
- The Carbon Brief Profile: Canada
September 2019
- Guest post: The problem with net-zero emissions targets
- Arctic sea ice summer minimum in 2019 is ‘joint-second lowest’ on record
- In-depth Q&A: The IPCC’s special report on the ocean and cryosphere
- Article invité : La découverte d’une immense réserve de carbone sous la forêt marécageuse du Congo
- Explainer: How climate change is accelerating sea level rise
- Analysis: Record-low price for UK offshore wind cheaper than existing gas plants by 2023