Lord Monckton in Oz. Again.


Christopher Monkton, climate skeptic, Ukip deputy leader and hereditary peer, is off to Australia, again. Following his visit in February 2010, the 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley is planning another trip down under to preach his own unique brand of climate scepticism.

But it seems that before he’s even raised the money for his airfare, Monckton is already facing tough questions.

Writing at ABC’s The Drum current affairs website Graham Readfearn, askes whether his visit is really going to be that valuable an experience for the Australian populace –

“Among other things, Lord Monckton argues that attempts by Governments and the United Nations to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases from deforestation and burning fossil fuels are part of a conspiracy to install a world government. In Lord Monckton’s eyes it’s all a socialist plot. Climate change is not caused by burning fossil fuels and, even if it was, the impact is negligible. No action is required.”

Monckton does get a lot of stick for his flamboyant performances and incredible claims about science. Earlier this year, we noted that even his fellow climate sceptics were confused about whether they should be cheering him, or distancing themselves from him. His lectures have been deconstructed and debunked by climate scientists in meticulous detail.

Although Monckton’s star has diminished in the UK – where he is deputy leader of UKIP – he continues to attract audiences in the US and Australia.

Readfern notes the only engagement so far confirmed for Monckton on his visit is “a spot at the annual convention of the Association of Mining and Exploration Companies in Perth at the end of June. His presentation is titled “Maths Lessons for Climate-Crazed Lawmakers”.”

“But support for Lord Monckton’s unique brand of climate denial is nothing new for the Australian mining community. At key stages in Lord Monckton’s 2010 tour of Australia, wealthy and respected mining figures were there to lend a hand, provide a forum and, in some cases, to give cash support.”

Monckon, despite his lack of any scientific credentials, likes to play up his role as a scientific advisor to Margaret Thatcher during his time at the Number 10 Policy Unit. However, Readfern reports,

“The idea that anyone should take Lord Monckton seriously is treated with puzzlement in his native UK. Former Conservative MP John Gummer, who was Mrs Thatcher’s environment minister, commented to the ABC in March that Lord Monckton ‘isn’t taken seriously by anybody.” He added: “I mean he was a bag carrier in Mrs Thatcher’s office. And the idea that he advised her on climate change is laughable. The fact of the matter is, he’s not a figure of importance and has made no difference to the debate. We always find it rather surprising that he should come (to Australia).'”

Readfern concludes by wondering about the “motivation of the mining industry in Australia to support climate change denial of any kind?” He says:

“Who knows? But as the donation plate for the Lord Monckton 2011 Denial Tour is passed around their offices they should ask themselves this: Can we fool the Australian public a second time?”

The piece, “Australia prepares to swallow Monckton yet again”, at ABC’s The Drum, is here.

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