Media round-up: The IPCC synthesis report


On Sunday the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published its synthesis report, which summarises the findings of three huge assessment reports.

It prompted a flurry of media coverage. Here are some selected highlights.

Broadcast media

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Fossil fuel phase-out by 2100

A significant proportion of the print and online media concentrated on the IPCC’s statement that fossil fuels needed to be phased out this century if the world is to avoid the worst impacts of climate change:

The cost of action, and inaction

The synthesis report’s findings on the cost of climate change also received some coverage:

Editorial and comment

Not all the coverage has been news-focused. A number of papers ran editorials and comment pieces looking at the wider implications of the IPCC’s report.

The view from the US

The report was widely covered in the US media:

Other parts of the world

A few stories from other newspapers around the world:

Coverage from Carbon Brief

And finally, here’s our coverage of the report:

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