100 articles from Carbon Brief between May 2014 and July 2014
July 2014
- Return to the home of the blizzard: Chris Turney reflects on his recent scientific mission to Antarctica
- Mind the gap: the holes in UK climate policy
- Arctic summer sea ice is disappearing fast, but can we rescue it?
- Australian carbon tax repeal fails after surprise vote
- What’s your city doing to protect you from climate change? In six charts
- Who are you calling a skeptic? New survey identifies diverse views on climate change among US Republicans
- Climate scientists tell us why it’s utterly, utterly normal to have a paper rejected
- Future flood risk: the CCC says under-investment is storing up trouble
- Funding boost nudges UK carbon capture and storage industry forwards
- What the fossil fuel industry thinks of the ‘carbon bubble’
- Gatwick, Dawlish and the consequences of failing to adapt to climate change
- The verdict on smart meter privacy, security and health concerns as UK smart meter rollout begins
- Factcheck: What’s the significance of a record high in Antarctic sea ice?
- Six things to know about Antarctic ice
- Factcheck: Has the US shale gas revolution saved more carbon than the entire solar and wind industry?
- BBC upholds complaint over Today Programme Nigel Lawson interview
- Updated: The science of fracking and earthquakes
- IPCC authors discuss how science meets politics in the latest summary for policymakers
- Explained: Fugitive methane emissions from natural gas production
- Overconfident predictions risk damaging trust in climate science, prominent scientists warn
- A major strategic threat: how the Ministry of Defence sees climate change
- Record renewable energy consumption dampens impact of cold weather on UK’s annual emissions
- Government defends its climate science communication, but sets out a new strategy to improve it anyway
June 2014
- Scotland doesnt have much shale gas, new estimates indicate
- Why has the government been criticised for paying too much for low carbon energy?
- Southern Europe stands to lose the most from climate change
- What price the Great Barrier Reef? Shadow environment minister says nature should make it onto balance sheets
- What EU policy responses to the Ukraine crisis reveal about energy security priorities
- Supreme Court backs Obama’s plan to sidestep Congress and regulate carbon emissions
- Academics urge scientists to do more to engage the public on climate change
- Risking it all: Report highlights how climate change threatens US business
- Factchecking claims the IPCC says there will be no dangerous global warming this century
- Dispelling myths and silently shaping progress: What consensus means to climate scientists
- Updated: The UK, Europe, and an energy efficiency revolution
- El Niño: How human history helped shape modern climate prediction
- New statistics show world’s tentative steps towards low carbon energy
- The UK and China release a ‘call to action’ on climate. What does it mean?
- Lord Stern says economic models of climate change need better climate science
- Manufacturing uncertainty: how US newspapers have dialled up the language of doubt on climate change
- A detailed look at why UK homes are using less energy
- Rain-obsessed: Brits concerned about climate change likely to think weather has got worse
- Not so Happy Feet: Penguins go from climate winners to climate losers
- Competition and interconnection – how and where should we spend green energy subsidies?
- The Bonn UN climate talks: What’s at stake and what’s next?
- Why National Grid will pay companies to switch off
- Carry on coal? The cost of keeping the UK’s dirty power stations alive
- Can the world curb global warming and save $740 billion? Only if the alternative becomes more costly
- The EU energy security strategy in 5 graphs
- Carbon Briefing: What’s going on with China’s climate plans?
- Why dread, not dollar losses, decrees how we react to climate risks
- Intensity, pragmatism & flexibility: Three key components of Obama’s carbon pollution plan
- Could rebranding environmentalism help tackle climate change?
- The IEA weighs in on stranded assets – not just a green conspiracy?
- IEA: The marginal cost of two degrees
- Q&A: Obama’s plan to cut coal and gas emissions
- Analysis: Newspapers less interested in climate impacts of shale oil than gas
- New Met Office forecast predicts heavier summer downpours with climate change
May 2014
- Obama’s new coal rule: Bold climate leadership, a lawsuit waiting to happen, or both?
- How President Obama will tackle US coal emissions
- The state of carbon pricing: Around the world in 46 carbon markets
- Will the surge in support for UKIP and other eurosceptics damage EU climate policy?
- Making waves: New science points to storminess as reason for Antarctic sea ice growth
- Lord Deben and the Committee on Climate Change agree on onshore wind’s potential
- The EU energy security strategy is now integral to EU climate plans
- Does evidence suggest the words “global warming” make people care more about “climate change”?
- UK shale oil – infographic
- Enabling the messenger: How can the IPCC get its message across to the public?
- Carbon Briefing: UK shale oil – what, where, and how much
- The EU is working on an energy security strategy. What is it all about?
- What Google searches can (and can’t) reveal about climate skepticism
- Mail Online overplays new study with claims melting glaciers could partly cancel out global warming
- It’s a bit like a tree: How comparing geoengineering to the natural world bolsters support
- What house prices say about concern for future climate change
- Get on with carbon capture and storage, climate change committee MPs say
- Ice picks: Five pieces of ice news revealing earth’s ice cover is in serious decline
- How much are we willing to adapt to climate change, and where are the limits?
- Shell says its assets wont get stranded by a carbon bubble. With climate change on the international agenda, is it right?
- BBC most likely to portray IPCC science as contested: how old and new media covered the IPCC
- Factcheck: Why the UK will not run out of oil, coal or gas in five years
- Top scientific journal rejects Times front-page article claims
- Factcheck: Three things The Guardian’s Simon Jenkins gets wrong about coal’s supremacy, and one he gets right
- New study links El Niño to poor crop harvests worldwide
- Carbon Briefing: How to vote for stronger (or weaker) EU climate policy in the European Elections
- Where would Lord Howell frack?
- Some key questions answered on the news West Antarctic glaciers are collapsing
- Countdown to the UK’s energy future: a guide to today’s talks on the EU 2030 package
- Preserving corals could save billions in coastal defences – new study
- Scientists say West Antarctic ice sheet “collapse is under way” as temperatures rise
- Why paying the wind not to blow is a necessary evil
- IEA: Radical change of course required on road to low carbon economy
- Hotter and wetter extremes: How scientists know our weather’s getting more erratic as climate change bites
- Climate games: How understanding the rules of negotiation is key to delivering a global deal
- And it’s goodbye to all that: Robin’s review of the climate and energy world since 2010
- Lords’ clean and green shale gas comes with caveats
- Does the UK already have enough green energy?
- How to build a climate resilient United States
- Adapting to climate change calls for a local approach, new research shows
- Have the floods finally got Britain worried about climate change?
- Analysis: Newspaper coverage of climate change drops despite release of major UN reports
- Seeing the wood for the trees: Scientists find a better way to measure carbon locked up in forests