Carbon Brief Quiz 2021: Round 3 – Energy sankeys

Tom Prater

Match each country to the correct sankey diagram for its energy production and consumption (in 2019). The list of country options is at the end.

§ 1:

Image (note)

§ 2:

Image (note)

§ 3:

Image (note)

§ 4:

Image (note)

§ 5:

Image (note)

§ 6:

Image (note)

§ 7:

Image (note)

§ 8:

Image (note)

§ 9:

Image (note)

§ 10:

Image (note)

Countries to match up:

  • Australia
  • Brazil
  • China
  • Finland
  • Germany
  • Japan
  • Nigeria
  • Saudi Arabia
  • South Korea
  • US

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