Climate-related disasters raise conflict risk, study says

Rosamund Pearce

Extreme weather increases the risk of armed conflict in ethnically-diverse countries, a new study suggests.

Around 23% of conflict outbreaks in these countries over the last three decades have occurred during climate-related disasters, such as droughts and heatwaves, the paper says.

The results don’t suggest that weather extremes directly trigger conflict, the researchers say, but that they can be one of many contributing factors.

Carbon Brief speaks to a number of experts to dig a bit deeper into what has become quite a controversial field of climate research.

§ No clear picture

The new study adds weight to the link between climate and conflict, says Dr Peter Gleick, an expert on water and conflict at the Pacific Institute, who wasn’t involved in the study. He tells Carbon Brief:

“This paper adds to the growing evidence that climate disruptions can be, and indeed have been, a contributing factor in violent conflicts in the recent past, especially in areas already vulnerable to ethnic, political, or economic disruption.”

But this field of research is still very contested, points out Alex Randall – project manager of the Climate Change and Migration Coalition, who also wasn’t involved in the research. So it’s sensible to view the study in the context of the wider literature.

Many similar studies have focused on specific forms of violence. For example, research has linked drought with riots in sub-Saharan Africa, hot temperatures with violent crime in the US, and flood events with civil conflict in different parts of the world.

But when researchers look at the entire world and all types of violence, there isn’t a clear picture, Randall tells Carbon Brief:

“It’s not possible to say that, universally, climate impacts will lead to more violence.”

For example, huge literature reviews of climate-conflict research, known as “meta-analyses”, have come to different conclusions. A 2013 study of 50 research papers found “consistent support” for a link between the climate and different types of conflict. Yet, another group of researchers disputed this finding, and concluded from their own assessment that the body of research “produced mixed and inconclusive results”.

Even a single climate-related disaster can have more than one impact on the risk of conflict. A study of the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan, for example, found the crime rate in the Philippines fell in the short-term, before increasing again later down the line. Randall explains:

“The researchers argue this is because of an increase in people helping each other through adversity. But then 12 months later the crime rate increases – probably as people find themselves in deeper poverty.”

However, despite some mixed results from the scientific literature, there is enough evidence to suggest that action to tackle climate change is needed to limit disasters becoming more extreme, Randall says:

“The fact that there is some evidence for climate impacts increasing conflict risk makes the case for [greenhouse gas] emissions reduction even more compelling.”

§ Ethnicity and history

It’s not just the role of climate in conflicts that needs careful interpretation, says Randall, so too does ethnicity:

“Although it’s true that, historically, many conflicts have erupted along ethnic and religious lines, it is also the case that ethnicity and religion are used and abused by political actors to create divisions within societies where they had not previously existed.”

In other words, it is not diversity itself that leads to violence, but the way that diversity is exploited for political ends, or where different ethnicities are not treated equally. In fact, research suggests that there is no clear link between diversity and conflict.

The study also leaves one question unexplored, says Prof Halvard Buhaug, research professor at the Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO), who also wasn’t involved in the paper.

While the findings suggest that climate-related disasters and conflicts often happen around the same time, there could be a third factor affecting their occurrence, says Buhaug.

The authors point out that there might be a “hidden common cause” behind both, but they don’t go as far as suggesting what that cause could be. Buhaug suggests that a history of conflicts in a country or region would be a likely candidate. He tells Carbon Brief:

“We know that conflict begets conflict, and conflict also is development in reverse – destroying economic activity and material products – thereby increasing the likelihood that a given meteorological event (drought, heat wave, flood) reaches the required level of severity [to cause conflict].”

In other words, a more unstable country is less likely to be able to help its citizens in the aftermath of a disaster – for example, by providing food and clean water – raising the risk of further violence breaking out.

This highlights how important it is to prevent conflict in the first place, says Randall, as well as mitigating climate change:

“There is clearly a massive unmet need for conflict prevention and peacebuilding, and studies like this make that even more important.”
Main image: Interior view of the abandoned and bullet-scarred hospital in Quneitra, Syria. Quneitra was occupied by Israel for seven years beginning in 1967. Today, though decades have passed since the Israeli withdrawal, the town has been left in its destroyed state. Photo: Joel Carillet/E+/GettyImages

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