100 articles from Carbon Brief between September 2014 and December 2014
December 2014
- Two degrees: Will we avoid dangerous climate change?
- European summer heatwaves ten times more likely with climate change
- Why the UN says climate adaptation could cost developing countries $1 trillion a year
- Lima week one recap: climate talks falter as governments evade scrutiny
- Two degrees: The history of climate change’s speed limit
- Five things we’ve learned from the first five days of the Lima climate change conference
- ‘Brave’ legal challenge launched against UK capacity market
- Dissecting Germanys new climate action plan
- 2014 on course to be the hottest year on record
- A summary of climate and energy announcements in the Autumn statement 2014
- Meat and dairy consumption could mean a two-degree target is “off the table”
- Truth is “the first casualty” in the energy and climate debate – a report from the Spectator Energy Forum
- Climate policy goes commercial: E.ON takes advantage of the new economics of a low carbon energy market
- Road to Paris: a timeline of negotiations for a global climate deal
- Factcheck: The Times claims climate-related deaths estimate is exaggerated
- Europe’s energy and climate policies get mixed review
November 2014
- Education is “top priority” for climate change adaptation, study shows
- The five massive changes to how we use energy that could limit climate change
- Climate change set to increase extreme weather risk to UK population
- Scientists dig deep into earth’s history for clues to El Niño past, present and future
- Is India’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, a climate leader?
- Remote-controlled submarines reveal Antarctic sea ice is thicker than previously thought
- World Bank: ending poverty might become impossible because of climate change
- How the UK’s nuclear new-build plans keep getting delayed
- Will more floods change the debate about climate change?
- Tackle air pollution to kickstart climate action, says new study
- UN report says energy efficiency integral to bridging emissions gap
- Tackling climate while maximising oil extraction: UK-Canada meeting glosses the paradox
- Why feeding more people doesn’t have to be at the expense of the climate
- How an IPCC graph linked fossil fuel use to climate change, and why it led to a heated debate
- Seven charts showing why we need China’s help to stop dangerous warming
- Germany debates programme to save 2020 climate target
- Imported meat comes with a climate cost, new study warns
- Are countries contributing their fair share to the UN’s climate adaptation fund?
- US lightning strikes to increase under climate change
- A detailed look at the US and Chinas historic climate deal
- Can we use gas as a ‘bridging fuel’ to a low carbon world?
- Six years worth of current emissions would blow the carbon budget for 1.5 degrees
- Warmer temperatures and more acidic oceans put crabs into survival mode
- Flood warnings could come three days earlier, study suggests
- Study links hot weather to violent conflict in Africa
- Remote-control robots reveal why the Antarctic ice sheet is melting
- Q&A: Coal and the UK’s carbon targets
- Five things we learned from DECC’s annual energy statement
- Why the government adds green levies to household energy bills
- Can (green) energy policy create jobs?
- Climate change puts bees and flowering plants out of sync
- What the Republicans midterm election victory means for global climate policy
- How can climate negotiators avoid Paris 2015 being a rerun of Copenhagen 2009?
- Media round-up: The IPCC synthesis report
- Untangling greenhouse gas emissions highlights the importance of carbon dioxide
- The implications of the US midterm elections for climate change policy: An international perspective
- Carbon Brief’s guide to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s fifth assessment report
- The IPCC’s untapped resource: the frequently asked questions
- Rising temperatures will delay disease reduction in China, study shows
- 10 charts illustrating the IPCC’s report, from rising emissions to transforming the energy sector
- Briefing: What’s new and interesting in the IPCC synthesis report
- The IPCC synthesis report: A summary for everyone
October 2014
- Why the IPCC synthesis report is necessary but not sufficient to secure a response to climate change
- Seven unexpected graphs about the UK’s energy sector
- Nitrous oxide emissions could double by 2050, study finds
- Five things we learned from National Grid’s Winter Outlook report
- What is the emissions impact of switching from coal to gas?
- New study strengthens link between Arctic sea-ice loss and extreme winters
- Q&A: The EU’s 2030 climate targets
- The gas industry’s delicate climate policy balancing act
- EU climate policy, energy bills and how best to decarbonise the UK
- US emissions increase hints at limitations of Obamas clean power plan
- Factcheck: Will climate change lead to giant, man-eating snakes, tiny horses and shrunken goats?
- Checking Owen Paterson’s figures on the cost of decarbonising the UK
- Worst case scenarios of sea level rise, and why scientists and policymakers consider them
- Why a healthy carbon market underpins the EU’s 2030 climate goals
- New study maps countries most at risk from El Niño flooding
- How National Grid keeps the lights on when a large power station catches fire
- Probing the deep: An in-depth look at the oceans, climate change and the hiatus
- Analysis: Who wants what from the EU 2030 climate framework
- Owen Paterson on scrapping the UKs commitment to reducing emissions
- Factcheck: Daily Express claims windfarms will add £1,000 to household bills
- Five weird things about the EU’s cost of energy study
- US military outlines plan to deal with increasing climate change threat
- Owen Patersons objections to the Climate Change Act: some context
- Climate change and the extinction of the Aldabran banded snail
- Scientists stay poised for imminent arrival of El Niño
- How much of China’s carbon dioxide emissions is the rest of the world responsible for?
- Behind the pictures: What does climate change mean for the walrus?
- Three charts that show how efficiency has saved a continents worth of energy
- Why the European Commission approved the UK’s plans for a new nuclear plant
- Attributing extreme weather to climate change in real-time
- Is burning wood for energy worse for the climate than coal?
- Around the world in 22 carbon capture projects
- How air pollution caused Europe’s rivers to fill
- What the UK’s capacity market could mean for the future of coal, gas and energy sector emissions
- Has DECC signed a dud deal for renewables?
- Scientists weigh in on 2C target for curbing global warming
- Conservative conference keeps quiet on climate change
- Analysis: Will Labour’s energy efficiency overhaul work?
- Low-frequency noise study did not test for hearing damage or windfarm impacts
September 2014
- How we can make good decisions about geoengineering
- Get ready for hotter summers and more flooding in the UK, say scientists
- California is in drought, but is climate change to blame?