100 articles from Carbon Brief between March 2017 and September 2017
September 2017
- Analysis: UK auction reveals offshore wind cheaper than new gas
- Guest Post: Deploying the science of extreme weather attribution in the courts
- Climate change could drive a third of parasites to extinction by 2070
- Energy efficiency policies ‘could save UK homes £270’, report finds
- Guest post: How the Greenland ice sheet fared in 2017
August 2017
- Mapeo: Como el cambio climático afecta eventos meteorológicos extremos alrededor del mundo
- Climate change ‘could double’ the number of droughts in Jordan by 2100
- Media reaction: Hurricane Harvey and climate change
- Climate change could flip European peak power demand to summer, study says
- Guest Post: Why solar keeps being underestimated
- World’s soils have lost 133bn tonnes of carbon since the dawn of agriculture
- Factcheck: Misleading headlines about electric car charging while boiling the kettle
- Climate change could tarnish the flavour of cava, study suggests
- Climate change is shifting Kodiak bear feeding habits, study says
- Explainer: Why the sun is not responsible for recent climate change
- Q&A: The return of UK fracking and what it could mean for the climate
- Analysis: Why US carbon emissions have fallen 14% since 2005
- Global warming could cause yield of sorghum crops to drop ‘substantially’
- Climate change is already shifting the timing of European floods, study says
- Factcheck: Lord Lawson’s inaccurate claims about climate change on BBC Radio 4
- Ecosystems facing ‘double whammy’ due to increasing impacts of drought
- In-depth: The challenges facing the Dieter Helm ‘energy cost’ review
- Migrating birds can’t keep up with an earlier spring in a changing climate
- Factcheck: British Gas and Daily Telegraph make confusing claims over ‘green taxes’
- Guest post: Improving Africa’s soils to cut emissions and boost food security
July 2017
- Six charts show UK’s progress on low-carbon energy slowing down
- Explainer: California’s new ‘cap-and-trade’ scheme to cut emissions
- Analysis: Switch to electric vehicles would add just 10% to UK power demand
- Q&A: How viable are floating offshore windfarms?
- In-depth: How a smart flexible grid could save the UK £40bn
- ‘Extreme’ El Niños to double in frequency under 1.5C of warming, study says
- State of the climate: Warm temperatures and low sea ice mark first half of 2017
- Explainer: How data adjustments affect global temperature records
- In-depth: The challenge of using biofuels to cut transport emissions
- Factcheck: How much power will UK electric vehicles need?
- Rising seas threaten scores of species on Pacific islands with extinction
- Seven charts show why the IEA thinks coal investment has already peaked
- Warm spells in Arctic stunt crop yields across US, study suggests
- Mapped: The world’s largest CO2 importers and exporters
- The Carbon Brief Interview: Amory Lovins
June 2017
- Major correction to satellite data shows 140% faster warming since 1998
- Guest post: Half a degree could make a world of difference
- CCC: A plan to fill the UK’s climate policy gap is ‘urgently’ needed
- Mission 2020: A new global strategy to ‘rapidly’ reduce carbon emissions
- Giant hailstones to increasingly strike North America under climate change
- The Swiss company hoping to capture 1% of global CO2 emissions by 2025
- Study: Why troposphere warming differs between models and satellite data
- Guest post: How new EU rules could ‘hide’ climate impact of harvesting forests
- Billions to face ‘deadly threshold’ of heat extremes by 2100, finds study
- Factcheck: Grenfell Tower fire and the Daily Mail’s ‘green targets’ claim
- UK wind power can help meet peak winter demand, study says
- Analysis: US states and cities could meet Paris climate goals without Trump
- In-depth: New BP data shows emissions flat in 2016 with record rise in renewables
- Explainer: The challenge of defining fossil fuel subsidies
- Analysis: Meeting Paris pledges would prevent at least 1C of global warming
- IEA: World can reach ‘net zero’ emissions by 2060 to meet Paris climate goals
- Video: Tropics to see ‘unprecedented’ climates under future warming
- Global reaction: Trump pulls US out of Paris Agreement on climate change
- Guest post: Is the collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet inevitable?
May 2017
- Mapped: How ‘embodied’ footprints compare across Europe
- Factcheck: Whale strandings and offshore windfarms
- Half the global population could face ‘unknown’ climates by mid-century
- Bonn climate talks: key outcomes from the May 2017 UN climate conference
- Antarctica’s high elevation is slowing rate of warming, says study
- Election 2017: What the manifestos say on energy and climate change
- Limiting warming to 1.5C has clear benefits for Australia, study says
- Mapped: Climate change laws around the world
- Brexit negotiations should treat energy as ‘special case’, says report
- Explainer: Dealing with the ‘loss and damage’ caused by climate change
- Pacific Ocean shift could see 1.5C breached within a decade
- Guest post: Can the US legally weaken its Paris Agreement climate pledge?
- US tells China it has ‘no plan yet’ to meet its 2020 climate target
- The 1981 TV documentary that warned about global warming
April 2017
- India’s planned coal plants could ‘single-handedly jeopardise’ 1.5C target
- Cut fossil fuel use ‘dramatically’ to meet climate goals, says Shell-backed report
- UK launches ‘world first’ research programme into negative emissions
- The Carbon Brief Interview: Michael Gerrard
- El Niño shifts cholera burden onto East Africa
- Warming limit of 1.5C would ‘save’ huge expanses of permafrost, study says
- The Carbon Brief Interview: Brian Deese
- Renewables growth breaks records again despite fall in investment
- Guest post: Air passengers face a bumpier ride due to climate change
- Renewable electricity in Africa could outstrip demand in 2030, study says
- Analysis: Just four years left of the 1.5C carbon budget
- Mapped: Where £4.4bn is being spent on flood protection in England
- Analysis: North Sea industry cost UK taxpayers £396m in 2016
March 2017
- Media reaction: Donald Trump’s climate and energy executive order
- Video: Climate scientists discuss record lows in Arctic and Antarctic sea ice
- Guest post: Adapting to climate change through ‘managed retreat’
- The Carbon Brief Interview: Benjamin Sporton
- Sea ice falls to record lows in both the Arctic and Antarctic
- Analysis: Dramatic shift in UK government outlook for gas and clean energy
- Seven things that need to happen to keep global temperature rise below 2C
- Guest post: Beijing ‘severe haze’ could be 50% more frequent under climate change
- In-depth: What Donald Trump’s budget means for US spending on climate change
- UK energy bills have fallen since 2008, says CCC
- Coral reef survival hinges on ‘urgent and rapid’ emissions cuts
- Explainer: The challenge of tackling aviation’s non-CO2 emissions
- Humans causing up to two-thirds of Arctic summer sea ice loss, study confirms
- Rate of ocean warming quadrupled since late 20th century, study reveals